What To Expect and Evangelistic

What To Expect:

We welcome you and your entire family. We Believe The Safest Place In All The World Is In The Will of God.  Come as you are, you and your entire family can expect to feel welcomed and loved from the time you enter the parking lot and come inside Gods House of Worship.  

Evangelistic - We Love To Go Into The Community:

Scripture Reference: John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.

-Evangelistic Outing: The 2nd Saturday of the month @ 11:00 am

-Prayer Before Outing: Greater Mt. Zion Educational Building

This ministry actually goes door to door to reach the lost and offers prayer or invites them to give their life to Jesus Christ.

-Contact:Church Administration Office
-Phone: 334-298-0982
-Email: church@gmzbaptistchurch.com